Wednesday, April 1, 2015

What if?

3 weeks after talking with her online I suggested meeting her in person. It took her 2 days to say yes, and she only said it because she thought I would never get on a plane. In a matter of 15 minutes I had sent my itinerary to her and I expected to board a Qatar flight on the 22nd July 2014.

This was our first day together - Herman Park, Houston. It was hot, humid, I was sweating like nobodies business and my hair started to curl. Like an 80's perm. It was bad. I spent 3 weeks with her and it was crazy surreal....Where would it go? Did we really like each other? 2 days travelling and 30,000 miles could we really make this work? Well I'm on to my 4th trip in 10 months and so far...its working ok 

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Houston, Texas, United States
