Wednesday, April 1, 2015

Roller Derby - North vs South

One of the fortunate things about us, is Singapore Rogue is an All-Star with an amazing league, and I am a very passionate groupie of roller derby. After skating for 2 years and giving it up before I needed my knees replaced, my enjoyment for derby came from announcing, photographing and watching as many different teams as I could, and be involved that way.

I had some "interesting" feelings about my ex home league, and that was brought about by my interpretation that - if you weren't their number one skater in one of their teams, they really didn't give a shit about you. It was political, clicky, bitchy and I had a bad taste in my mouth...Was it an interpretation, being paranoid or extremely accurate? I don't think that's for public forum...However I digress

One of the awesome opportunities about being in Texas is I get to see all the derby. I get to travel a few hours away to see the legends of flat track skate in Austin. This is something we share - I am more than happy to tag along with her, go on my own, and talk derby, skating, leagues, blah blah...

She also encourages me to be all fan girl and go and ask for photos with those I admire

But something that stands out significantly about the culture of roller derby over here is the openness of complete strangers to embrace you fully into their family, regardless of your position within the league or who you are associated with. If you like derby - you're welcome; skater, groupie, announcer, photographer, nso, stranger on the street... They make an effort to include you and sweep you up in the excitement.
And this is evident in the amount of fans that travel to out of town, and states where there teams are playing. Fans will fly, drive 14 hours, rent hotel rooms, sleep in cars, sleep 8 to a 4 person room, give way to their hard earned cash to get there, just to support their team. And their team whole heartily and honestly appreciates that effort.

Being in Houston and involved a tiny bit with this league has reignited my love for derby in general. It has yang'd to the ying I had experienced in the south. I have not witnessed politics of such, clickyness, bitchiness, alienation in the slightest...All I have seen is a love for the game and a general respect for everyone.

p.s. Oh and another significant difference is that of long standing members of the league that may or may not skate anymore - they are treated like royalty, somewhat worshipped and held in such regard. Everyone knows them and when they are around - skaters of all levels are in awe and thankful for them being involved in HRD

Bring on all the DERBY :)

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Houston, Texas, United States
