Thursday, April 2, 2015

Homemade Banana and walnut bread. 

Indian baked cauliflower with heaps of spices, Saag paneer, and some Angus beef, fat trimmed rubbed with spices

Home made burger that doesn't look so appetising but it was, and roasted potato fingers

Did my Mum proud with this chicken and sweet corn soup :)

If you ever get the chance to try Catfish I would thoroughly recommend it. It is extremely tasty, not too strong, soft but fleshy and easy to find over here

White person, comfort food at its finest - Cottage Pie, because we used beef instead of lamb

Trying to get Jas and Serena to eat breakfast is impossible. So I thought I would make these mini smoked salmon quiches so they could just grab one and go. I loved them but they still didn't grab one before work and school

And last but not least, one of the most delicious meals Ive had here. Blackened fish and quinoa salad

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Houston, Texas, United States
