Wednesday, April 1, 2015

Two wheeled, red shiny machine

One of the big dilemmas when I decided to come over here for 3 months, was how was I going to get around. Houston is a really spread out city, probably worse so than Perth, and EVERYONE drives.

Public transport I've caught a few times, but there seems to be A LOT of stigma attached to catching a bus. I don't know why - its cheap and gets you to point B. In saying that I only caught it down a very long, straight street and didn't need to change routes or buses.

So in order to keep some level of fitness up I thought I would get a bike to get me around Montrose. Not for riding great distances, but when I needed to get to the shop, meet Serena at school, that sort of stuff. When I arrived in Houston, it was already awaiting me. I had to put it together and I fell in love instantly

When I am heading to the laundromat it fits all the washing in, even though it may look like I am not travelling in a first world country

It hasn't got stolen when I have parked it outside different establishments

And look how happy I am riding it :) Only problem is Houston is not bike friendly. You are fighting with these monsters on the road 
And seriously they scare the shit out of you when you see only their bumper, in the rear view mirror when you are driving a vehicle!! Combined with the worst roads ever in the western, civilised world - cycling isn't a pleasant experience, or relaxing for that manner.

Houston is basically built on a swamp. So it sinks regularly and in old areas where they have beautiful old oak trees lining the streets, the roots have pushed up through the road and made it so uneven - it is a mine field for clumsy people like me. So I don't travel more than a few blocks on my red machine, but far away enough to feel the breeze in my hair and grab a frozen margarita :)
To those Ghost cyclists that adorn the streets...I send you smooth roads, with the breeze at your back and no vehicles x

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Houston, Texas, United States
