Thursday, April 2, 2015

The Abandoned Mansions of Riverside Terrace - Third Ward

River Oaks in Houston is a suburb where the insanely wealthy live. Homes resemble what we see on movies and t.v as mansions in Georgia on slave plantations or something. Big, grand, columns, insane amount of front lawn, driveway long enough to reach the house that from the street it looks small, and an abundance of "foreign" workers either mowing lawns, cleaning pools, blowing leaves away.

It really is something else driving around looking at how the rich live. Now back in the 1930's the Jewish population where not welcome in River Oaks and got shunned to live on the other side of the bayou in an area now known as Third Ward. 
One of the streets Riverside Terrace was, and is, famous for its mansions. Similar to River Oaks they are big, glorious and over the top. Riverside Terrace matched the swanky suburb of River Oaks, without a doubt, housing prominent Jewish families that are synonymous with wealthy business in Texas.

In 1952 African American families started moving in despite bombs being thrown on their front porches. They stayed and the racist, dumb white folk started moving out. Main roads also started to build a major highway through here, which didn't take people long to leave.

Real Estate agents started buying the houses up and selling them off to African American families, so the remaining white families started putting signs up "Not for Sale". 
This was a small movement in the 60's designed not to alienate "minority groups" but to stop real estate agents block busting. (Google that shit, its basically just a way of racially scare mongering people and spreading hate - nasty) 
African American and Civil rights leaders supported this, and guess what - wealthy families of all colours and race moved in and lived happily and comfortably.

An area that still has a higher percentage of non-white home owners and recently more and more gay families, those houses that where left in the 70's and 80's due to economic drops, bankruptcy and housing slumps, still remain abandon. Slowly getting bought up and restored to their former glory, there are still MANY beautiful properties, boarded up and left to rot.

Riverside Terrace is now famous for its abandoned mansions. I decided to take a look and see for myself.

Someone had the right idea to squat in this one with their dog

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